Today’s Funny Photos 10-27-17

Did Thursday feel like Wednesday to anyone else this week? It really threw things for a loop for yours truly, as the week essentially went MTRRF. Speaking of which, how is it that Thursday got the shaft when it came to one-letter abbreviations? I’d go further into my prying from there, but then I’m pretty sure I’d just be ripping off Gary Gulman’s latest Netflix standup special. And I’d never do that to him because, in my opinion, he should have won Last Comic Standing both times he was a contestant.

I guess what I’m really saying is that it’s finally Friday, which means I can let all of that go and just focus on the weekend ahead. Welp, might as well warm up to it by getting in the right mood. Today’s batch of funnies should do the trick. You can check ’em out, too. In fact, they’re probably more for you than they are for me. As you can tell, I find ways to keep my mind occupied with nonsense with or without goofy pictures to look at.

Did someone say goofy pictures? (Oh, it was me.) Well, whatever. Just follow Mandatory on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. They’re loaded with them.

You could also read comics if you’re looking for a cool way to coast into the next two days off. Here are some fascinatingly peculiar options from the last month for ya.