Student Gets Burned Over Terrible Parking And The Internet Couldn’t Stop Laughing

Photo: Twitter

Some people just suck at parking, that’s the reality of it. But sometimes a driver’s parking job is so damn bad that he or she needs to get called out on it. And a student from the University of California, Riverside got called out on her terrible parking job in a hilarious way.

The student, Dezi on Twitter, shared this note that she found when she returned to her parked car. Take a look at it below thanks to her Twitter.

Student Gets Burned Over Terrible Parking And The Internet Couldn’t Stop Laughing

Man, that’s just brutal.

And of course Twitter decided to pile it on.

Here’s hoping this gal learns how to park, and here’s hoping she took some time to color that awesome turtle.

h/t Distractify

Give this a look: This Parking Note Has The Most Brutal Twist