The Week’s Funniest GIFs 5-18-17

Need a break from the monotony of daily funny photos? Yes? Really? You’re gonna say that right to my face after I painstakingly hunt them down for you on a regular basis? Rude! Well, I was going to give you these hilarious GIFs as an added bonus to the fun you were already having, but I guess now they’re more of a replacement for a gift you didn’t like. Good thing I totally set this intro up to make you look like a jerk, otherwise my feelings would be very hurt.

Mandatory is always posting hilarious GIFs on Facebook and Twitter.
You gotta hand it to the censors on this one.
What an ass hole.
All this time I had him eating my homework when he could have been doing it.
Then she remembered there was a door she could use.
Those toys really drive cats up the wall, don’t they?
And yet, I’m still intimidated.
You know shit is going down when even the cows are running out of the building…wait, what?
Wining isn’t going to get you anywhere.
Please, go about your business. Not like someone was just run down right in front of you or anything.
Not even gonna try to top that caption.
Not gonna ask how he managed to keep his underwear on, either.
Apology cakes can be hard to swallow, I guess.

We’re sorry for ending this week’s roundup on possibly the weakest caption. But we heated up last week’s hilarious GIFs leftovers as our own apology cake. Forgive us?