Today’s Funny Photos

Time. For. Funny. Photos. Four words that go together better than pizza and beer. And if you add pizza and beer to the mix, it’s the greatest combination in the history of combinations. Ever. Go ahead, name another combination. What’s that? Margot Robbie and ice cream? Damn, you got us there. Well, regardless, go right ahead and enjoy the greatness of our Funny Photos. And hey, we’ll see you on the other side of these laughs. And by that we mean by the end of this article and not like after death or something. You know what? We are just going to let you laugh it up now.

And don’t forget to give Mandatory a follow on Twitter and Instagram.

And you know what else dogs are good at? Partying on roofs and dancing with groomers. And that’s the truth!

You want to know what else is the law? Checking out the previous batch of Funny Photos. We’re serious. Hey, we don’t make the rules.

Well then, that last one was pretty horrifying. Plus it ruined Twinkies for us. But don’t you worry, we have a lot more Funny Photos where all of these came from!