7 Good Things That Driveclub Does Well

As you may have noticed from my Driveclub review, I don’t particularly care for the game. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its share of great qualities. In-fact, Driveclub does a few things very well, and they aren’t to be taken lightly. I’ve read some very positive reception on forums from a few early adopters, and this positivity is a direct result of the few things Driveclub does well.

A lot of racers these days are designed around a checklist system. They try to fit in all the standard expectations like tuning, upgrades, and long-term content before lacing in some flavor of their own. Driveclub doesn’t do it that way. It’s a game that does what it wants, and as a result it feels substantially different than just about any racer in recent times. While that’s a good and a bad thing, it does mean that at the very least it has unique qualities.

Related: Driveclub Review

There are seven things in particular I feel Driveclub nails down. Frankly, other games could learn from both its successes and failures. Below you can read about what Driveclub‘s successes are.


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