Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s Multiplayer Debuted with Gameplay Trailer

This year’s iteration of Call of Duty is just around the corner. It promises both improvement and evolution. But what does its multiplayer look like?

Seen above, the first multiplayer trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been debuted, and it features over two minutes of raw gameplay.

What’s most noticeable about Advanced Warfare versus previous releases from the franchise is its presence of highly advanced technology. Boost jump, dashes, slides, and more add precision and verticality to the competitive experience. Powerful weapons diverge from the abundance of AK-47s and M16s that we’ve seen over the years. As such, there’s going to be a bit of a learning curve, and that’s exactly what Call of Duty fans have been waiting for.

Building upon the additions made by Call of Duty: Ghosts, there’s a lot more customization this time around, in the form of weapon modifications as well as player customization. As a matter of fact, there will be more than 1,000 player rewards that amount to over two billion unique combinations. Basically, you have tons of options.

Related: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is “Photorealistic”

Quite frankly, it sounds great. Judging by the footage, this is still the smooth and silky 60 frames per second shooter that we’ve come to love, it’s just making some bold moves to shake things up.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will release on November 4th for PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.


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