Dark Souls 2 Somehow Gets a T Rating Despite Gore and Nudity

Dark and punishing are just two of many words that come to mind when I think of the Souls series. If you’ve completed even a portion of Demon’s Souls or Dark Souls, you’ve seen your fair share of violent executions and sinister imagery. It’s part of the game’s charm, as strange as that is.

Well, Dark Souls 2 is either toning things down a little bit or America’s Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is going easy on the young kin. It’s earned itself a surprising T for Teen rating despite a laundry list of content descriptors which include gore and nudity. Now, before you raise your pitchfork, you should check out the description which makes it sound just like just what you’d expect from a new release in the Souls franchise. See below:

Combat is highlighted by cries of pain and small splashes of blood. Some locations depict instances of blood and gore: a giant snake boss holding its severed head; a giant boss creature composed of hundreds of corpses; dead ogres near a pool of blood; a torture device with streaks of blood. During the course of the game, a boss creature appears partially topless (e.g. hair barely covering breasts). The words ‘bastard’ and “pr*ck” can be heard in the dialogue.

Phew. For a second there I thought Disney got its hands on the game.

Dark Souls 2 is shaping up to be one of 2014’s finest, and the best part is you only have to wait one more month to play it.

While you wait, you should check out our list of Weird Dark Souls Facts You Probably Didn’t Know.


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