5 Parodies Of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

That evil enchantress Rita Repulsa is up to her old tricks! It’s going to take a group of American teens wearing different, brightly colored costumes to stop her, by combining their different vehicles into a giant robot… or something. Buy the toys, kids! Here are videos of 5 Mighty Morphin Power Ranger parodies:


Power Falcons (Key & Peele)

Go Go Power Racists!


Late For Work

His illness didn’t exactly give them a leg up.


Finger Ring Friends (Whitest Kids U’Know)

Finger Ring? It’s the best!


Black Ranger Gets Pulled Over

It was Morphin’ Time, like, 20 years ago.


Meet the Putties

Their charades games must be really boring for non-putties. (aka humans)


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.


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