Jamie Dornan Isn’t Doing The Fifty Shades Of Grey Sequels

The only reason Fifty Shades of Grey didn’t make Passion Of The Christ numbers is because I assume churches frown upon using their buses to drive horny, sexually oppressed women to the theater who just want to watch the only porn they can. Anyway, the movie sucked and Jamie Dornan won’t be in the other ones.

Jamie Dornan won’t star in a sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey – because his wife doesn’t want him to, it has been claimed. Actress Amelia Warner, who has a 15-month-old daughter with the star, is said to be unhappy with him acting out the explicit sex scenes in the controversial film. And Jamie, from Holywood, Co Down, has been left reeling by a barrage of scathing reviews for the movie adaptation of the risque S&M book.

Now this is real love. Jamie Dornan and his wife saw the movie, then his wife said, “you can put this on me. just say it’s because of me. fuck it.”.