Harry Styles Is Banging This


Even though they dated about five minutes longer than it takes Adele to take a shit after Del Taco, Taylor Swift wrote a song about Harry Styles and continues to be a vindictive cunt whenever they’re in the same room. Look, I’m not one to defend any member of One Direction, but Harry Styles is obviosuly completely over it and gives zero damns to the point where he thinks Taylor’s 5th grade drama is funny. And since we all know that the only thing that heats up Taylor’s cold, lifeless vagina is seeing her ex-boyfriends happily move on without her, she’s probably has a fever today because based on this picture taken at a party after the VMAs Sunday night, Harry’s supposedly dating model Paige Reifler. Expect a song about a slutty model on Swift’s new album.  Hollywood Life reports:

Harry Styles reportedly has a mystery girlfriend, but thanks to a new Instagram pic, we may now know who the woman in question is! Harry was recently spotted with sexy model Paige Reifler and a few friends, in a new Instagram pic, leading many to believe she may be his new girlfriend. “Harry has a new girlfriend,” a source told The Sun. “It’s someone he’s known for a while. It’s early days but they’re getting on really well, and the fact that he’s flown her to New York City shows how keen he is. He’s introducing her as his girlfriend to the camp. They seem very well-suited and happy.” But is the mystery girl actually Paige? The jury is still out, but when you’re a celebrity and you get photographed with a girl, it’s usually the real deal. So only time will tell if these two are friends or something more.

First off, screw you Taylor Swift for making me like a dude in One Direction. Secondly, go buy a vibrator that will text you during the day to say that it loves you. I’m sure Jennifer Aniston has one, just ask her where she got it.


Pic source = Instagram