Tilda Swinton Is Sleeping In A Glass Box At The NYC Museum Of Modern Art

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Since rich, white people are weird and do dumb shit like swim with sharks and parachute from outer space to feel alive, Tilda Swinton is sleeping in a glass box for a month at The Museum of Modern Art because it’s apparently “performance art”. New York Daily News reports:

Her public napping is part of a performance art piece titled “The Maybe,” which she debuted in 1995 at London’s Serpentine Gallery. She later repeated the work in the Museo Barraco in Rome. Swinton will return to the glass case several times to appear in the installation, but the exhibition dates remain a mystery even to MoMA employees. “Museum staff doesn’t know she’s coming until the day of,” a source at MoMA told Gothamist. “All that’s in the box is cushions and a water jug.” Each performance will last the entirety of the day that museum is open. Though the box was located on the bottom floor on Saturday, it may move locations for later dates…A label for the work lists its materials as “living artist, glass, steel, mattress, pillow, linen, water, and spectacles.”

Cool. But if I wanted to see a white woman sleeping, I’d just break in my neighbor’s house.


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