Jason London Stars In The Greatest Story Ever Told

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Long story short, Jason London got drunk at a bar in Arizona. He got his ass beat by bouncers. The police were called. Then they beat his ass. Then……MY GOD. TMZ reports:

Cops say one of the officers was forced to deliver a knee strike to London’s right thigh so they could seat him on the ground. London later called one of the officers a “f**king hillbilly.” Jason was eventually arrested for disorderly conduct/fighting and assault. On his way to the police station … Jason uttered a homophobic slur to the cops … saying, “Guess what fa**ot? I f***ing love this. I f***ing own you guys so hard. I’m rich and I’m a motherf***ing famous actor! F***ing look me up, bitch.” Jason continued … “It smells like s**t in your car and your breath smells like diarrhea.” According to the police report, Jason then leaned to the left and crapped in his pants. Jason then said, “I told you I’m happy as s**t.”

However, when he regained consciousness, London had this to say.

Jason just tweeted about the story … saying the police report is a “total f*cking lie.” Jason explains, “I got jumped by three 250 pound bouncers. They knocked me out and beat me for several minutes.” “I would never say or do the crap they are reporting. Have faith in me. The truth will come out and you will see.” He continues, “Some guy thought I was hitting on his girl and had me jumped. My wife was in the next room, had no idea what even happened. I hate Arizona.”

Wait, does “truth” mean “shit”? Because I think that’s already come out. Haha, zing! But seriously, the note below this was probably a bad idea now. I don’t need that mental image.

Note: I was going to post Jason London’s mugshot, but I posted Sophie Turner’s ass instead. I hope that’s okay.

Photo credit = WENN