Michael Jackson Slept With A Baby Doll And Wet The Bed A Lot

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It’s black. It’s white. It’s also apparently yellow. Shamon. You know it. New York Post reports:

Michael Jackson not only slept with a baby doll — he also regularly “peed the bed,” Conrad Murray alleges in the documentary “Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship.” In the documentary, Murray reveals Jackson regularly “peed the bed.” “The bedroom that he slept in I had to persuade him, eventually to have it cleaned,” Murray said in the film. “He peed the bed. It did not smell good. It was mildew, and I had to get it clean.” Murray said Jackson urinating in the bed may have had to do with psychological issues saying, “Who would ever believe that a man his age would still be wetting his bed?” In the doc, Murray also claims that Jackson referred to propofol, the anesthesia believed to have killed him, as “milk.”

I really can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m pretty sure Kim Kardashian just came.


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