Adele’s Ex-Boyfriend Wants Royalties

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Swag. NME reports:

Adele’s ex-boyfriend is supposedly cheekily claiming for a slice of the profits she made on debut album ‘19’ – because he feels their doomed relationship was the inspiration for a number of the LP’s lovelorn tracks. The singer should be happy after her latest album, ‘21’, clocked up its 14th week at the summit of the UK charts last week. ‘19’ – which was released in 2008 – is currently occupying the Number Three slot. But according to the tabs today (May 10) she’s furious that her former partner is trying to claim the credit for her initial success – as well as a cut of the royalties. She is quoted in The Sun as saying: “For about a week he was calling and was deadly serious about it. Finally, I said ‘Well, you made my life hell, so I lived it and now I deserve it’.” She added: “He really thought he’d had some input into the creative process by being a prick. I’ll give him the credit – he made me an adult, and put me on the road that I’m travelling.”

Adele appeals to overweight women and bitter women who have been fucked over by a man, so if my math is right, every woman in the world loves Adele. If you count gay dudes, then she’s Alexander The Great, conquering the world by singing songs that go great with tears and ice cream about a guy who she says will never forget her although he dumped her already. I mean, she already said the dude could have had it all, so now he just wants a little bit. Why she gotta be so greedy? Damn. Make up your mind woman!


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