Yeah, So Scratch That. This Dude Is Superman

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While Home Depot had a rush on buckets for women to wring out their panties after it was announced that homey here would be playing Superman, the people who actually make casting decisions had other plans. Specifically, Henry Cavill. TMZ reports:

British actor Henry Cavill will be playing the role of Superman in the upcoming reboot of the franchise, Warner Bros. announced today. With Christian Bale portraying Batman and Andrew Garfield playing Spider-Man … the Brits have the market cornered! The movie is due out December 2012.

This is the least gay picture I could find of this dude, mostly because the wenches in the back with the huge racks help mitigate the queer of the frilly shirt and fancy vest. I guess this picture is from a period piece or something. You know, like the movie Carrie.


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