More Butter Face, Now With Domestic Abuse

Shauna Sand is either a butter-face or a Picasso, I would need to get a little closer to the rear of her to find out. Either way, when approaching Shauna Sand, it’s best to have a paper bag with eye-holes cut into it ready to go.

Here she is on the beach with her husband (a continuation of yesterday’s plastic) which is kind of bizarre considering she filed a restraining order against him in December:

Shauna Sand claims she was choked, punched and thrown across a room in front of her children — and the bastard behind the alleged beatings is her very own husband.

The former Playmate received a temporary restraining order against Romain Chavent yesterday, after she filed documents in L.A. County Superior Court alleging that this weekend, her French hubby “hit me in the breasts, which i just had reconstructive surgery.” It’s the latest in a string of alleged violent abuse.

Among the claims, Shauna says Romain once “threatened to sell nude photos of my children that he took of them when he was babysitting.”

The kind of guy that takes nude photos of children while babystitting them, just on the off chance he can later use it for blackmail is a sick dude, even by my standards.

But I bet he keeps his supply of paper bags handy.


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