Travolta Stuff

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As you may already know, Jett Travolta, the 16-year old son of John Travolta and Kelly Preston, died on Friday of blunt trauma to the head after he suffered a seizure in the bathroom of his family’s Bahama vacation home. As you may not already know, I look awesome in turtlenecks! Anyway, here’s all the Travolta crap that happened this weekend. Brace yourself:

Jett had seizures every four days that were “like death” except when, you know, they were “very much like death”. [TMZ]

The EMT who responded to the scene says Travolta and Preston begged Jett to wake up in the ambulance. He also noticed Travolta’s hair. [FOXNews]

“The Scientology celebrity ethics officer would also actively look for one or more people in the Travoltas’ circle of friends, acquaintances who might be antagonistic to or even anti-Scientology and who could have had sufficient negative influence to “cause” such a tragedy. That person would then be the target of possible disconnection (shunning), firing or lawsuit/fair game.” Sweet! [Why We Protest]

Jett’s two nannies, Jeff and Ana Kathrein, left him unattended for 10 hours. What could go wrong? [TMZ]

Jeff Kathrein (banner picture) is John Travolta’s long-time rumored live in gay lover. [Gawker]

Ana Kathrein is a Grade III Scientologist and a wedding photographer. Man, how did they get someone with such qualifications to take care of their son who suffered from several severe medical conditions? Just lucky I guess! [Gawker]

Travolta and Preston have released a statement. It made kitty sad. [US Magazine]

The autopsy results may be available today. Hopefully it will be able to solve the mystery of how a person can die from having a seizure then banging their head on a bathtub. I just can’t figure it out! [USA Today]


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