Eva Longoria is inked

The Daily Dish says that Eva Longoria has a tattoo in honor of Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs who she’s been dating on and off since around January.

Longoria enthuses, “You can see three of my tattoos, they’re all on public display, but the one that has Tony’s initials is only seen by him. I’m not saying where it is, but let’s just say he gets to view it on a very regular basis!”

Well, I’m guessing the tattoo is actually inside Eva’s vagina since we’ve seen almost every other part of her already. She should have known ahead of time that tattooing your lover’s name, or initials, is the kiss of death on your relationship. And since she’s one of the most overrated actresses out there right now, it would be cool if she would tattoo her own name somewhere on herself. Maybe that will make her stop acting.