Sienna Miller is pregnant

Sienna Miller is six weeks pregnant with estranged fiance Jude Law’s child, says Star Magazine. The couple told their parents the happy news just two days before revelations Law had an affair with his children’s nanny emerged. It’s also been learned that Jude Law cheated on ex-wife Sadie Frost, the mother of his three children, with no fewer than six women – a model, a celebrity assistant, two A-list stars, a rock stars ex-wife and a stripper. Miller and Law split following Law’s admission he slept with Daisy Wright, but “they reportedly met in private in England for secret talks in a bid to rescue their relationship.”

The “met in private for secret talks in a bid to rescue” makes this sound a tad more important than it really is. Unless Siena Miller is secretly in the Delta Force, they were basically on a date, not training to topple a Panamanian strongman. I’m guessing at no point did someone pull off their glasses in front of a huge electronic map of the globe and say, “We’ve got six hours gentlemen…”. The problem is that Jude Law would have sex with a porcupine if it made eye contact, not that freedom and liberty as we know it is threatened.