It’s Official: Aussies Are The Biggest Bong-Heads In The World

Congratulations ‘Straya, we’re officially a nation of bloody pot-heads.

According to the results of the 2017 Global Drug Survey, Aussie stoners punch more bongs than anyone else in the world.

And while we aren’t the globe’s biggest weed fiends overall, our billy use puts our international compatriots to shame.

Unsurprisingly, the study also found that Aussies pay wayyyyyy more for cocaine than any other citizens of the planet earth, including our neighbours across the ditch in NZ, with your m8 Charlie fetching an average price of $321 a gram, which is slightly more than the Kiwis fork out for it but “almost double the next most expensive country”, according to News Corp.

Node beers are cheapest in Colombia, with a local price of $5.26 per gram (Thanks, Pablo Escobar).

More than 75% of the 5,700 Aussie respondents to the anonymous survey had used illegal drugs before, while around one in three had used them in the past month.

“Geographical dislocation from traditional dealing networks makes [Australia] more prone to novel drugs, which may carry higher risk than the drugs they seek to replace such as MDMA,” says GDS founder and chief investigator Adam Winstock.

Catch some more localised results of the survey below via News Corp.



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