Teen Pulls Off Awesome Senior Prank By Tricking Faculty Into Singing ‘All Star’ By Smash Mouth

Photo: YouTube

High school was so long ago for me that I honestly don’t remember any pranks that were pulled. I think the greatest prank I pulled was convincing people I was ready to graduate high school and become an adult. I wasn’t. But one senior certainly went above and beyond to do an incredible senior prank, and all that he needed was to trick school staff into singing some Smash Mouth — you know, one of those bands we wish would stop touring already.

The senior, named Ryan Storch, took it to YouTube to explain his prank. Storch pretty much asked his principal and assistant principals to read some words off a teleprompter for a ‘stress test.’ The thing they didn’t know was that they would be reading lyrics to everyone’s favorite Smash Mouth song “All Star.” After that he just sliced it and created an awesome video.

Check it out below thanks to Storch’ YouTube.

That’s my jam! And guess what? This video has been so much of a success that Smash Mouth themselves gave Storch a shoutout.

Now that’s pretty damn cool.

It’s only right that we also share the video to that song you’re dying to hear now.

You’re welcome.

h/t Elite Daily

More pranks for you: The 10 Greatest Movie Pranks Of All Time