Deer Bursts Through Window Of Gym, Sends Meatheads Running

I guess it was leg day for this deer.

So now I understand how in the hell the deer that got hit by a car and still came back to attack the driver was so strong: He was at the gym. Now of course that deer isn’t the same as the deer in this video, but perhaps they’ve been sharing some tips because deer have been running amok. I mean, you also can’t forget that deer that demolished a dude just trying to run a race. These deer are losing their mind, and this was no different.

I’m sure it was just a typical day at Gold’s Gym in Anderson, South Carolina, but it turned into quite the chaotic scene when a deer burst through the window, sending workout folks running for cover. Now it doesn’t seem that this deer wanted to workout, as he acted like me when I find myself inside of a gym: Just running towards the exit.

Check out the video below thanks to ABC News’ Twitter:

Deer Bursts Through Window Of Gym, Sends Meatheads Running

Well it looks like the deer did find his way out and is hopefully OK, but he will never forget that horrible day he was confronted with exercise machines.

h/t For The Win

Now look at this deer: ‘Possessed’ Deer Jumps Through Window Of Cafe, Causes Chaos And Exits Through Other Window