Exclusive Clip From the ‘Spaceballs’ 25th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray

A must-own in every guy’s movie collection is Mel Brooks’ “Star Wars” spoof, “Spaceballs”. In honor of the film’s 25th anniversary, MGM and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment have released this special edition Blu-ray.

The Blu-ray comes chock full of special features, including the brand new featurette, “Farce Yourself! Spaceballs and the Skroobing of Sci-Fi. The above clip is an exclusive from the new release. It features director Mel Brooks discussing his experience working with Daphne Zuniga (Princess Vespa) during the part of the film where her character is being held captive and begins to sing “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen”.

In addition to the featurette, there are over five hours of extras:

NEW!! Farce Yourself! Spaceballs and the Skroobing of Sci-Fi featurette
Commentary by Mel Brooks
Additional Commentary Tracks
Spaceballs: The Documentary featurette
In Conversation: Mel Brooks & Thomas Meehan featurette
John Candy: Comic Spirit featurette
Watch the Movie in Ludicrous Speed featurette
Still Galleries
Film Flubs
Storyboards-to-Film Comparison