Learn To Survive In New Trailer For The Evil Within

A lengthy new trailer has indeed surfaced for The Evil Within, an upcoming survival horror title by Tango Gameworks. Staying alive by any means necessary is essential in this new adventure; every last bullet is meaningful and should be judiciously expended when deciding how to dispatch those that might seek your death.

Check out the new trailer below.

Available October 14th for previous and current-gen consoles (excluding Nintendo platforms), it arrives just in the nick of time for Halloween. Make sure to play in the dark, by yourself or with someone who scares easily. It’ll make for a good time, if The Evil Within turns out to be as good as previews and early looks have shown it to be.

A hat tip goes to Crave’s Game Revolution for this story.

How do you think The Evil Within will compare to the king of survival horror, Resident Evil?