Rafael Nadal Will Not Compete at U.S. Open, Title Now Undefended

Image: CBC Sports

 Rafael Nadal announced on his facebook page:

I am sure you understand that it is a very tough moment for me since it is a tournament I love and where I have great memories from fans, the night matches, so many things,” Nadal’s posting read. “Not much more I can do right now, other than accept the situation and, as always in my case, work hard in order to be able to compete at the highest level once I am back.

The injury stemmed from an unfortunate accident during a practice day during the last week of July. While Nadal is a lefty, his backswing is two-handed. 

This is only the fourth time a U.S. Open champion has not returned to defend a title.

For more on this story, head on over to NESN.