Crave Conversation With Pro Surfer Julian Wilson

CraveOnline: Julian, you come from a family of surfers. What role do they play in your career and how intense were those sibling rivalries out on the water?

Julian Wilson: Growing up together riding longboards and whatever else we could get our hands on, the rivalry was never too strong. It was always about going to the beach together and having a good time. My competitiveness didn’t really kick in until I started competing on a short board around 12 or 13 years old. I always pushed myself to be as good as my older brothers, but I would always hide that I was trying my hardest every time we all surfed together, haha!

CraveOnline: Do you remember your first board? What was it?

Julian Wilson: The first board my brothers and I actually shared together and all learnt how to surf on. It was a green 6’6 mini mal that had “serious fun” written on the nose. We still have it in the garage at home. My first custom board was a lime green 5’5 Peter White shape from Noosa. 

CraveOnline: What is a typical day like for you on tour?

Julian Wilson: Wake up and check the waves, then plan my day around the waves. If there’s enough waves to have some fun and get some practice in for the event then I’ll surf, otherwise play golf, skate, take in some of the local culture, play tennis, basically just try and keep my mind occupied and not think too much about the event on the days off. 

CraveOnline: Who would you say is your closest friend on the circuit? Who’s your biggest rival?

CraveOnline: Does life as a pro surfer ever feel like a job or does it just feel like a dream come true?

Julian Wilson: 90% dream come true and 10% a job!

CraveOnline: Seeing you compete in the U.S. Open the last two years in person, I noticed you have quite the female fan base always waiting for you on shore. How often is that scene in your life and how does it feel to be the ‘heartthrob’ of pro surfing?

Julian Wilson: The US Open is always a fun experience and full of craziness. 

CraveOnline: Speaking of the U.S. Open, you won it in 2012. How would you rank that milestone in your career? Do you have plans to compete this year and possibly nab a second U.S. Open championship?

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Julian Wilson: It was a really cool achievement because I’ve always loved spending time in California and I have a lot of friends and my brother over there. It’s always been a goal to win the US Open and I was really happy to achieve that goal. The crowd at that event is like no other event we surf all year. I get a kick out of surfing under all that pressure too! I’m not sure yet if I’ll be competing there this year. It got a little crazy after the event last year with some kids going a bit overboard and vandalising the streets, not something I’m too keen on promoting. 

CraveOnline: You have surfed all over the world. Do you have a favorite break you like to surf or a particular location that stands out the most?

CraveOnline:  Is there a particular heat that is most memorable? 

Julian Wilson: I can’t really say there’s one in particular, but there’s a lot of moments in many heats that are memorable. I enjoyed my heat with Jordy Smith this year at Bells. I’ve got a lot of respect for Jordy and we’ve always had a good rivalry. 

CraveOnline: What do you listen to, to get yourself amped before a heat?

Julian Wilson: Mostly rap music. I think the flat out confidence in their music transfers into my head space to help me go out and do what I need to do.

CraveOnline: When you’re not surfing, what are you doing? Do you have any other hobbies that gives you an adrenaline rush like surfing does?

Julian Wilson: I have a lot of hobbies and my girlfriend is worried I may never grow up haha. Skateboarding, golf, snowboarding, mountain biking, motorbikes, I love it all!

CraveOnline: What’s your relationship like with your sponsors? 

Julian Wilson: I’m extremely thankful to have the support that I get from them all! It’s especially cool because I get along with all of them really well. 

CraveOnline: With Kelly’s run at the top of pro surfing nearing an end, do you feel like you can step up and be that top guy?

Julian Wilson: Kelly’s run at the top coming to an end? You’re a brave man to say that! I definitely think I can be competing at the top level for many years to come.

CraveOnline: Looking ahead to the future, what do you want us fans to know about Julian Wilson? What should we come to expect from you?

Julian Wilson: I just want to come across as a humble, hard working guy with big dreams and goals to achieve. If I stay true to that then I think I’ll always be relatable and hopefully always approachable to my fans.

Joshua Caudill is a writer for CraveOnline Sports, a surfing enthusiast, an unhealthy sports fanatic, and an expert on all things Patrick Swayze. You can follow him on Twitter @JoshuaCaudill85 or “like”CraveOnline Sports on CraveOnline Sports.

Photo Credit: Red Bull