Watch The First Trailer For ‘The Strain’

Get ready for vampires to be scary again.
This summer, FX is adapting Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan’s “The Strain” as a TV series, with former “Lost” co-showrunner, Carlton Cuse spearheading the project.  
“The Strain” stars Corey Stoll as Dr. Ephraim Goodweather, a CDC investigator who is one of the first to realize that a vampire virus may devastate the world that we know. But in the first trailer from FX, it’s David Bradley’s Professor Abraham Setrakian who gets the bulk of the attention as he warns Goodweather’s team to destroy the bodies of the passengers and crew from an airplane that was somehow landed at JFK airport without anyone alive onboard. 
Kevin Durand, Mía Maestro, Ben Hyland, Jonathan Hyde, Miguel Gomez, Leslie Hope, Sean Astin, Natalie Brown, Regina King and Richard Sammel are co-starring in “The Strain.” The first season of “The Strain” will feature 13 episodes and it will premiere on FX on Sunday, July 13.