So, Here’s The Full Video Of Ray Rice Punching His Wife


“Hold the door!”


Hey, remember when Ray Rice dragged his unconscious wife out an elevator at Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City a day after Valentine’s Day? Cool, cool. Well, the full video was released today. The video the NFL claims, very conveniently, that they never saw until today (although they make it kinda clear they didn’t even ask for it). In the video, Rice gets physical first, then when wife wife strikes back, he punches her, she falls and hits her head on the rail and is basically asleep before she hits the ground. His punishment? He has to sit out two games. Steve Smith is his teammate now, so when Rice gets back, Smith can show him how to only punch his teammates instead. Until then, basically fuck Ray Rice and the NFL. I won’t sit here and try to defend women, because I saw a bunch with Rice jerseys on yesterday, so until you guys want to stand up to this, I’ll concern myself with the real victims of the NFL: Dallas Cowboys fans. Have you or someone you know been victimized by Tony Romo?