funny photos 1-19-18

Today’s Funny Photos 1-19-18

Never fear, the laughs are here! Even though when you start a sentence with “never fear,” most people will instantly fear since clearly there was something you felt the urge to point out shouldn’t be feared. But that’s neither here nor there. Well, actually it’s here. It’s always been here. What a dumb expression.

OK, clearly I’m getting off my mark right away, so let’s wrap this up. The funnies are below. Check ’em out and feel great doing it. That pretty much the long and short of what I was going for. Well, the short at least. ‘Nother dumb expression.

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Today’s Funny Photos 1-19-18

funny photos 1-19-18 funny photos 1-19-18 funny photos 1-19-18 funny photos 1-19-18

Perhaps they are: Dinosaurs Would Still Be Roaming The Earth Today If That Darn Asteroid Had Hit Elsewhere

Steer yourself in the direction of Page 2 or you’ll wish you had.