Today’s Funny Photos 3-13-17

Laughter goes a long way towards improving your mood. And since Monday tends to take things in the other direction, why not give our always on point funny photos a sporting try? There aren’t so many of them to be considered hit-or-miss, and not too few to where you could have easily tracked them all down yourself. Also, if you laugh hard enough, it counts towards my community service. What a great balance!

Be sure to check Mandatory on Facebook and Twitter.

We can think of only one thing cats enjoy more than watching you poop: Cats Love Boobs And We Have The GIFs To Prove It

In other horrifying cat-related news: This Flock Of Turkeys Circling A Dead Cat Is The Most Horrifying Thing You’ll See All Week

Great now funny photos are ruined! But don’t worry, last Friday’s collection is still around as a backup.