BBC America Announces ‘Doctor Who’ Season 8 Premiere Date

“Clara, be my pal. Tell me, am I a good man?” – The Doctor.
BBC isn’t bringing the Doctor to Comic-Con this year, but the return date of “Doctor Who” has been set.
BBC America has announced that the eighth season premiere of “Doctor Who” will debut on Saturday, August 23. The episode will be called “Deep Breath” and it features Peter Capaldi’s first full length adventure as the Twelfth Doctor. 
The newest teaser trailer for “Doctor Who” Season 8 accompanied the announcement. In this brief clip, both the Doctor and his companion, Clara (Jenna Coleman) reveal that they have doubts about who he is after his latest regeneration. 


Related: ‘Doctor Who’ Is Skipping Comic-Con International This Year

Samuel Anderson is joining the cast this season as Danny Pink, a friend of Clara’s and fellow teacher at Coal Hill School who may be the Doctor’s newest companion. Tom Riley, Keeley Hawes and Ben Miller will be among the guest stars this season.
Capaldi and Coleman will also be taking part in a 12 day “Doctor Who” World Tour, with a stop in New York on Thursday, August 14. Other stops on the tour include Cardiff, London, Seoul, Sydney, Mexico City, and Rio de Janeiro.