Today’s Funny Photos 10-9-17

Well, it’s the start of another workweek, ladies and gentlemen. And as awful as it is being back at your desk on a Monday, you can at least know that you’re about to scroll through some Funny Photos. Now doesn’t that put a smile on your face? It should, because we work until the wee hours of the morning to find these funnies for you. OK, we don’t, but we’re just glad to be able to reel these laughs in in order to make your day a tad better. So you know how it goes, folks, get comfortable and get to laughing!

And also get to following more of Mandatory on Instagram and on Twitter, too.




And speaking of Blockbuster, it looks like it’s still trucking along: Blockbuster Is Still Alive And Well Thanks To This Hilarious Twitter




The laughs continue on Page 2!