Today’s Funny Photos 2-10-17

Our Funny Photo roundups really need no introduction, but since we get paid to write for a living, it would be sort of frowned upon not to give them one. Of course, what that introduction entails is entirely up to yours truly. After all, it’s not as if there is any sort of theme to these collections. Well, unless “laughter” is a theme. But how in the world would you decorate for something like that? A bunch of smiling mouths painted all over the walls? Invite a bunch of creepy clowns to make balloon animals or whatever it is that they do to seem less horrifying? For that matter, what the hell am I even talking about throwing a party for? This was just supposed to be an introduction to today’s funny photos.

Well, I think I’ve wasted enough of your time for one day. I’ll let the LOLz take it from here.

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Well this makes sense then: Study Says Facebook Will Make You Feel Like Trash




Keep on staring…more funnies on Page 2!