
Life Hack of the Week: A Mandatory Video For Adding Oil to Your Car Like a Baller (Who’s Too Poor For a Funnel)

When was the last time you changed the oil in your car? If you can’t recollect, it’s probably time to have it changed. In the case that you change your own oil or if you’re like me and your car eats oil (because it’s a complete piece of shit), this hack is for you. Especially if you’re the kind of person who wouldn’t naturally carry a funnel in your trunk and you sometimes need to add oil to your engine. Perhaps, you already know this, but pouring oil into the oil cap without a funnel can make a huge mess. However, with this hack from TikTok user @nikandliv.diy you won’t need a funnel, and better than that, there won’t be a mess.

Image: @nikandliv.diy (TikTok)

What you will need:

  • An automobile that needs oil
  • Engine oil
  • Dipstick

You know the drill, you’re out after dark. Maybe you’re leaving a friend’s house when the light on your dashboard turns out saying you need oil. So you get out of your car, open the hood of your car, and find the dipstick. You can locate it by looking for a little handle labeled Engine Oil. Pull that out and wipe it off, you’re going to need it to seamlessly pour the oil

As Nik demonstrates in the video, you need to be able to find the oil cap on the engine and remove the lid. Next, take the dipstick and put it over the opening, and pour the oil directly onto the dipstick. It will adhere to it and cleanly pour the oil into the opening.

@nikandliv.diyShould we do more auto tips/hacks?! We’ve got TONS! ##diy ##auto ##car ##lifehack♬ Life Goes On – Oliver Tree

Enjoy your life as a funnel-free baller, who can add oil to your engine in a pinch without making a mess. It probably won’t change your life, but it will keep it tidy, which is always a bonus.