hurricane helms
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Hurricane Helms On Working For Ring Of Honor, Thoughts On The Hardys’ WWE 24 Special, If He’d Fit In With 205 Live

Hurricane Helms recently spoke with Chuck Carroll for CBS DC; you can read a few highlights below:

Hurricane comments on why now is the right time for him to appear in ROH: 

I’ve always had an interest in Ring of Honor. I’ve always been a fan of the product. Ring of Honor style was pretty much what I was doing as Sugar Shane and even before Sugar Shane in Omega, and my Kid Vicious days, that really hybrid style. Not necessarily just one traditional style, but the combination of American, Lucha, Japanese, European. So I always had a great deal of respect for it, but the timing just never worked out before. I had contracts with other companies that would be issues. But this time… everything lined up, and so here we are.

Helms comments on the Hardys’ recent WWE 24 special: 

Filming that was probably the toughest thing I ever did with WWE. I can’t say I enjoyed it, but they wanted me to be a part of it, so I did. [An] important story to get out, so that maybe other people will see. There’s probably some things you should just stay away from when people go out and are trying to have a good time. And I don’t like to be someone who tells people what to do, but the warnings are there and it’s up to you whether to heed them or not. This is a good warning. Don’t think that just because Matt and Jeff came out of it, that anybody can. There’s a lot of people who don’t. They don’t survive these type of things and don’t come back from these type of falls. Luckily they did. I was there to help ’em through it. I did several interventions with Matt, with Jeff as well, and it was tough. But when you care about somebody, you’re there for them when they’re down. And when I had my motorcycle accident and all of that, they were there for me, so I was gonna be there for them. That’s just what you do.

Hurricane Helms Says Enzo Amore Would Have Been A Perfect Foil For Him, Comments On Social Media Helping His Royal Rumble Booking

Hurricane explains why returning to WWE as Gregory Helms could work: 

I think the easiest thing would be Cedric Alexander. But I would wanna do that as Gregory Helms. I’m not sure I would wanna do that as Hurricane. He has the Cruiserweight title right now. They’re eliminating all the records from before. So obviously that would be one of the next ones to try to eliminate. So if they’re gonna try to eliminate my record as longest Cruiserweight Champion, it probably would be pretty easy for me to just come in there and put a stop to it. Whether or not it works, that would be the story going forward. But that would be easy. And if I’m the Hurricane, I can work with anybody. The Hurricane character’s pretty flexible, as long as I have a good villain.