enzo amore
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Enzo Amore Opens Up About WWE, The Name Of His New Album, Writing His Own Material, Getting Fired In NXT, CM Punk & More

Enzo Amore Opens Up About WWE, The Name Of His New Album, Writing His Own Material, Getting Fired In NXT, CM Punk & More

Enzo Amore sat down with the “Store Horsemen” podcast to discuss his exit from WWE  as well as other interesting topics. He also dropped the news that his upcoming album is going to be titled Born To Break The Rules. Some excerpts are below (transcription credit should go to Dominic DeAngelo at Wrestlezone):

On writing his own material:

“If you look back at my six-year run in the WWE I never cursed on TV once, never cursed once. The only time I ever cursed was quoting Big Cass and I called him ‘Casshole’. I, as a writer, you can attest, when you’re writing for cable TV, you gotta find a way to be funny that are a ridiculous challenge when you can’t curse. As a writer for six years, I wrote my own TV which I was the only person in the WWE that could probably honestly say since day one in NXT they wrote their own material.”

On almost quitting and sticking to the script without knowing he was turning heel:

“If you guys ever saw a segment with a Miz…I found out that day that I was pretty much turning heel…so I had to stick to the script. And he aired out all my dirty backstage laundry and I had to sit there and take it on the chin and I couldn’t say or rebuttal at all. I was backstage, I wrote the most tremendous promo of my life, which would have saved me as a babyface if I would have gotten the microphone. So I was in the midst of turning heel but they didn’t want to tell me that, per say, per say. For the first time they come to me and say ‘no, you can’t say anything. You have to read this verbatim.’ And I’m backstage losing my sh*t, and Hunter comes up to me and was like ‘you say what’s on that script if you wanna keep your job.’ And they didn’t tell me I was turning heel so I get it, but at the time and in the moment, I was like f*ck this man I’m quitting.”

On why people say he was difficult to work with & “zero dimes” :

“As a writer, you gotta understand why people were maybe were mad to work with me or say I was difficult to work with. If a writer has a job to work with you and you get to work on Monday I re-write the whole f*cking promo. So they would give me my bullet points and I would rewrite my whole promos you know what I’m saying, and sometimes I could and could not, for instance ‘zero dimes’ you remember that thing? Like, Vince didn’t get it. So I used it in NXT a bunch and when I got to the main roster, Vince was like ‘…what’s that mean?’ So he doesn’t get but we’re making money off merchandise with it.”

On if he was way less shackled in NXT:

“Only because I had Dusty. But when Dusty passed away it was an interesting time cause me and Cass were on the cusp of getting called up and every single day we were thinking we were gonna get called up and at the end I almost got fired in NXT. More times than you could ever imagine.”

On his interactions after his controversial allegations:

(Shows a “consensual app” he’s working on & his “penis” license from Delaware) “You know how scarred I am, bro? I haven’t even talked to a woman in five-six months. I’m out here hitting the repeat list, dawg.”

On Big Cass getting disciplined with him:

“Big Cass is eating the brunt of this sh*t all this time in NXT about me f*cking up with sh*t like this, because when you’re in the tag team one person gets disciplined the same as the other. When I get fined he gets fined.”

Enzo shares a story about drawing penises on an NXT board in the gym and how it got him in trouble:

“I walk in there and at the time Billy Gunn‘s my coach. Try to understand the world I’m living in: I’m getting disciplined by Billy Gunn. Mr. Ass in a thong. So I walk into this office, Bill [DeMott] is just stone-faced man, the guy is angry as sh*t. So I walk in, Bill is pissing in my ear – gimme a f*cking mouthful about this bullsh*t: ‘We got corporations walking in and out here, Nike is gonna be here next week and you’re drawing d*cks on the wall.” So I pop up out of my chair with Billy, the strength coach and Bill sh*tting on me and I just, not even thinking, just being me you know, trying to get maybe a little rise out of the situation, I get up and I draw one of these things on the wall ‘look Nike ain’t gonna f*cking know the difference – 1-2-3 this sh*t just slips through the cracks!’ And he looks at me and he fines me $275.”

On trying to make a name for himself in NXT:

“It was nuts and I had the time of my life there cause the way I looked at was like when you’re in the Performance Center, somebody there has to be the next Rock, somebody there has to be the next Stone Cold, somebody there as to be the next Dusty, Ric Flair, you name it, Cena, because the lifeblood of the company flows through the talent, and they’re investing more money in the talent now than ever, with the Performance Center and this, that, and the other and we had this incredible in the opportunity with NXT so I was looking around at people and I was like ‘man, when you say you’re name in the same sentence as these guys people look at you as ‘that f*ckng mark’ like ‘who’s he think he is’ I’m trying to be the first Enzo Amore. And I’m trying to be better than those motherf*ckers that you idolize.’ I wasn’t trying to be the next Hulk Hogan I was trying to be the next Vince McMahon.”

On guys like CM Punk, The Rock, Brock Lesnar and Batista doing their own thing:

“These people are doing other things, for me like I look at myself and I’m like ‘bro, I’m a writer first and foremost.’ I was a writer before I was a wrestler when I was in the WWE. So I look at myself and I’m like ‘man I’m f*cking Jared Leto, Childish Gambino more than I’m f*cking Dwayne Johnson.'”

On Dusty paying him the best compliment he’s ever received in wrestling:

“He told me once, ‘Me and Vince are the last two cowboys left of our generation, and you’re the first cowboy of yours.’ I owe more to Dusty than you can ever imagine.”

There’s much more to the interview and you can listen to it below:


RELATED: Enzo Amore In First Wrestling Event After WWE Release