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Colt Cabana Opens Up About The Dr. Chris Amann Trial, Talks CM Punk Crying On The Stand

Retired Pro Wrestlers
(Photo by Josh Hedges/Zuffa LLC/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images)

Colt Cabana recorded diary style audio during the trial brought on by WWE Dr. Chris Amann. Cabana documents details about the case, his feeling about CM Punk getting emotional on the witness stand, battling with stress related illness and more.

Cabana expounded on the following via his Art of Wrestling podcast.

On the jury selection:

There was one girl who was like, ‘Do you know who any of these people are?’ And she was like [makes squealing noise] CM Punk! So obviously she got chopped right away….there was a couple guys who were saying, ‘I would side with the doctors because there are a lot of doctors in my family.’ There was one guy who said, ‘Listen I love wrestlers. They helped me out in the war. They came over for Tribute to the Troops. This wouldn’t be an even race. I definitely love wrestlers.’ So he’s outta there. There’s the girl who loved Punk, a couple people who knew who Punk was.

On the judge throwing out defamation:

She’s like up there, my lawyer is saying this is why this should be thrown out. Their lawyer is saying this is why it should stay in. She’s about to make this judgment. My heart starts racing, like pounding. My heart is pounding, adrenaline is going through because you can tell she’s about to make a decision and there’s such a difference between two cases and one case. My heart is racing. It is f*cking racing. I try to stop it; but, there’s nothing I can do. These are my true emotions. The example they were using was Keith Van Horne vs Mancow, which I got a chuckle out of…maybe they talked bad about each other cause you use court cases from the past to help rulings in the present; but, the judge said, ‘No this is different. He wasn’t defamatory so we’re throwing it out.’ That got thrown out. I was not defamatory. I did not defame him in anyway.

On his personal fears about taking the stand:

I’m just afraid that I’m going to say something stupid and f*ck it up. These lawyers are good. Lawyers know what they’re doing….he’s gonna say stuff and he’s gonna wind me into saying something I didn’t want to say. That’s my fear.

On battling stress related illness during the trial:

My body, I don’t think I’m sick at all; but, my body has all the symptoms of sickness. There are so many flu-like symptoms and I’ve been having nausea and side cramps and I know it’s just the pressure or the stress….just everyday going to this trial waking up I just get sick to my stomach going in and then walking into that courtroom. I feel gross. I feel so gross. I’ve been popping Tylenol and I’m not saying I’m some straight edge kid; but, I never take any kind of pain medicine. I feel like I have to just to even it all out…I was the most nauseous I’ve ever been. I felt the worst I’ve ever felt….I was at an all time disgust mode, just feeling with my whole body…it was an awful feeling.

On CM Punk crying:

Punk went up and he basically did a second podcast on the stand with a lot of evidence. The doctor in the beginning told the story about this guy never being hurt, never being injured and the doctor was just being a great old doctor. You just hear the crazy schedule that Punk’s on, the vigorous schedule and he’s in one town the next and there’s evidence and there’s text messages of him getting ice packs and his body hurting, doctors talking about him every single day and constantly being injured. I knew his life was bad, you really see it on paper–I don’t mean his life is bad; but, the vigorousness of how much he was going through and it wasn’t ending and it wasn’t ending. You see it. I feel like the jury is experiencing it. He started crying. My lawyer who doesn’t know Punk said, ‘Is this real?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ He said, ‘How do you know?’ I said, ‘Listen to this awful experience.’ He’s reliving this awful experience on top of paying all this money for his lawyers and possibly losing million or more to this doctor who allegedly treated him like sh*t. Their lawyer put a stop to it quick. The judge said, ‘You’ve got to compose yourself. Get it together.’

Cabana’s lawyer also made an appearance on the show & said that in his 45 years of experience he has never seen a jury make a decision this quickly, which he attributed to no evidence of misconduct.

Readers interested in listening to Art of Wrestling in its entirety may do so below:

RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Colt Cabana’s 1st Post-Trial Trial Comments