Photo Credit: WrestleZone

New Japan Wrestling Dontaku Results (5/4) Okada/Tanahashi, Bone Soldier Returns, Naito Attacked, More

FIFTH MATCH: Michael Elgin, David Finlay & Juice Robinson vs. CHAOS (YOSHI-HASHI, Jay White & Hirooki Goto)

Goto and Elgin start. They lock up, but elect to exchange strikes instead. Elgin blocks a Hip Toss. Goto locks in a waistlock. Goto goes for GTR but Elgin counters. Goto corners Elgin and tags in White. Goto and Whit hit stereo shoulder tackles on Elgin. Elgin sends White to his knees with a hard strike. Juice tags in and clears the apron.

Juice and Finlay hit White with a double bulldog. White dodges Dusty Punches and tags in Yoshi-Hashi. Finlay and Robinson hit Stereo Dropkicks. Juice hits Dusty Punches.  Yoshi ducks the left hand punch, and fights back. Juice gets low-bridged out of the ring, and rammed crotch-first into the ringpost by White. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Goto tags in and pummels Juice. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and clears the apron.  CHAOS triple teams Juice and poses, though White refuses to join in the posing. White tags in and beats up Juice. They exchange forearms. Juice flips out of a Back Suplex and clears the apron. Juice tags in Elgin. Elgin knocks down White with a lariat. Elgin slides out of the ring and beats up Goto.

Back in the ring, Elgin hits a second rope missile dropkick. Elgin hits a corner splash. Elgin climbs to the top rope. Goto charges but Elgin counters. Goto hits a Spinning Wheel Kick. Elgin hits a Backbreaker on Goto. Elgin hits the Whale Hunt for two.

White blocks a Buckle Bomb and tags Yoshi-Hashi. Finlay tags in. Finlay hits a European Uppercut. Wild Brawl Breaks Out. Finlay hits a Uranage Backbreaker for two.

Yoshi-Hashi blocks Prima Nocte. Yoshi-Hashi hits a Western Lariat for two. Yoshi-Hashi hits Karma for the pinfall.


After the match, Taichi attacked Goto. Jay White kept YOSHI-HASHI from getting involved.

Jay White tried to attack Juice Robinson but Robinson fought him off.

SIXTH MATCH: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, BUSHI, SANADA & Hiromu Takahashi) vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr., El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Suzuki-gun attack before LIJ gets in the ring, and Everyone Brawls In The Crowd™.

In the ring, Archer has his way with BUSHI. LIJ are utterly decimated at ringside. In the ring, Kanemaru hits a Suplex on BUSHI for two.

Smith tags in. Smith bodyslams BUSHI. Smith hits another bodyslam. Suzuki tags in and strips BUSHI of his shirt. Suzuki chops at BUSHI’s chest.  Suzuki locks in a Fujiawara Armbar. Naito spits at Suzuki to break the hold. Naito and Suzuki pummel each other. Suzuki locks in a Kneebar. Suzuki breaks the hold. Suzuki snapmares BUSHI and kicks him in the back. Desperado tags in.

BUSHI fights back with a big boot and an Enziguri. Hiromu tags in. Hiromu hits a Hurricanrana. Hiromu hits a Double Dropkick on Kanemaru and Desperado. Hiromu hits a Sliding Dropkick for two.

Desperado hits a Spear. Kanemaru tags in. Suzuki-gun beats up Hiromu in the corner. KES hits a Hart Attack then bodypress Kanemaru onto Hiromu but the pin is broken. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Hiromu hits a Thrust Kick on Kanemaru in the ring. Naito tags in and hits a slingshot dropkick. Naito goes for Destino but Suzuki breaks it up. Wild Brawl Ensues. Suzuki and Naito brawl in the ring. Naito drops Suzuki with a forearm. EVIL hits Kanemaru with a Lariat. Naito hits Destino on Kanemaru for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Los Ingobernables de Japon

After the match, a fan in an LIJ Mask assaulted Naito. He unmasked to reveal CHRIS JERICHO! Jericho hit a Codebreaker on Naito and then busted open Naito’s forehead with the ring bell.

SEVENTH MATCH: Team Kenny (Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) vs. Team Cody (Cody, Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson, Hangman Page,  & Marty Scurll)

Scurll and Fale start. Scurll tries to body slam Fale to no effect. Fale body slams Scurll. Scurll tags in Cody.

Cody evades Omega and Fale and tags in Nick Jackson. Tama tags in. Nick and Tama fist bump and then lock up. Nick drops Tama with a Shoulder Block. Both men dodge dropkicks and they then throw dropkicks at the same time. Matt tags in. Tanga blind tags in and helps Tama out of a Double Team. Tama and Tanga block Superkicks and they break clean. Cody tags in.

Ibushi tags in. They lock up. Ibushi and Cody block each other’s offense, but CXOdy slams Ibushi down by reversing a kick. Ibushi gets the better of Cody and hits a Standing Corkscrew Moonsault for two,

Hangman Page tags in and peppers Ibushi’s midsection with punches. Matt tags in. Matt tags Marty. Marty body slams Kota and then points at Fale. Cody tags in. Cody and Page hit a double back elbow. Ibushi hits a Dropkick. Omega tags in. Marty tags in.

Omega fights off Marty and Cody. Ibushi and Omega hit Roundhouse/Kotaro Krusher Combo. Ibushi tags in and go for Corss Slash but The Bucks put the stops to that. Bucks clear the apron. Cody pulls Kenny out of the ring. Page pulls Ibushi out of the ring. Wild brawl culminates in Marty hitting a thrust kick on Tanga. Ibushi tags Fale and then hits a Golden Triangle Moonsault. Fale climbs to the top rope but instead chases after Scurll. Bucks save Marty from a Bad Luck Fall. Superkick Party. Marty tries to slam Fale but Fale falls on him for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Team Kenny

After the match, Omega chased Cody all the way to the back. Everyone except Kenny & Cody throw up a Two Sweet. Bullet Club Is Fine.