impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (5/3) Su Yung Destroys Rosemary, X-Divison Title On The Line, More

Backstage, Grado tells Joseph Park that he has a girlfriend. Park asks to see a picture but Grado says he can’t show him one. Aries walks in and say he knows that everyone is concerned about him not being champion anymore but that will change soon. Grado offers Aries a jelly bean but Aries slaps it out if Grado’s hand and tells him to eat some real food. Aries goes Grado a banana and walks away.

oVe vs KM and Fallah Bahh

KM tosses Jake Crist clear across the ring. Jake catches KM with a kick to the head. The Crist brothers beat KM down in the corner. oVe tries to double suplex KM but KM suplexes the brothers. KM tags in Bahh. Bahh cross body blocks both members of oVe. Bahh splashes Dave and Jake over and over again. Bahh steamrolls Dave and Jake at the same time. KM tags in and steamrolls Dave and Jake as well. Jake and Dave surprise KM with a boot. Dave and Jake land multiple enziguris. KM is sent tumbling over the top rope. Jake rolls up Bahh for the win.

Winners- oVe

After the match, KM surprisingly shakes Bahh’s hand.