Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Exclusive: James Mitchell On Seeing He & Abyss In Jimmy Jacobs & Kongo Kong, Tomorrow’s Monster’s Ball, Why Managers Never Went Away, More

Exclusive: James Mitchell On Seeing He & Abyss In Jimmy Jacobs & Kongo Kong, Tomorrow’s Monster’s Ball, Why Managers Never Went Away, More
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

WrestleZone was granted an interview earlier today with Impact Wrestling’s “The Sinister Minister” James Mitchell!

You can find highlights from Mitchell’s interview transcribed in this post. The full audio is available, courtesy of WrestleZone Radio, on the final page.

Be sure to tune in this Thursday night at 8/7 pm CST to see Abyss, with James Mitchell, take on Kongo Kong, with Jimmy Jacobs, in a Monster’s Ball Match!

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On what he makes of Kongo Kong and Jimmy Jacobs as well as their attitude towards he and Abyss:

JM: Their attitude is obviously a little arrogant. They’ve got that problem that many of us have in the wrestling business when we are getting started… we look for the approval of those that are more successful or experienced than ourselves. We ask for their opinions and when we don’t get exactly what we want to hear then we blow them off as old dinosaurs. Which is essentially what Kongo Kong and Jimmy Jacobs did when I went out there the other night and confronted them.

The fact is, what I said out there to them, a lot of it is true. I do see a lot of myself in Jimmy Jacobs. I do see a lot of Abyss in Kongo Kong. I think they are tremendous talents. I have been watching both of them for several years. When I was on sabbatical I saw Kongo Kong out on the independent circuit and had thought about contacting him. Maybe trying to form a little alliance during that time I was estranged from Abyss.

I went out there the other night and just wanted to give him some hard won wisdom. I let him know that you have to be careful and not to poke the bear. Instead of just being a gentleman about it he decided to be a bit of a smart ass and, as a result, I have invited both of them cordially to the Monster’s Ball. I think we are going to have to give them a lesson in humility.

On if he thought the Sami CallihanEddie Edwards ball bat incident was too violent:

JM: I definitely see how wrestling purists would think Sami and his ball bat were stepping over the line but I am the Sinister Minister so I always enjoy seeing a little extra “seasoning” thrown on top of the violence (Laughs). It was very brutal and a bit over the top but it could be just the thing that Impact needs right now to get people talking.

On if a more violent Impact Wrestling environment favors he and Abyss:

JM: I think so. Frankly, Abyss and I were always able to, over the years, seamlessly move in and out of the various regimes or power structures. I think that whether it is this one or the future Abyss and myself will continue to shine through.

On if he and Abyss are interested in another Impact World Title run or just inflicting pain on the Impact roster:

JM: Abyss and I have only been rekindling our relationship since this past summer so we are still working on getting to know one another again and are feeling one another out. Blood is thicker than water and I think everything is going to work out for us. Right now? We’re just laying waste to anybody who gets in our way. We will examine World Title matches if that’s something we become interested in. Right now we’re just getting the band back together.

NEXT PAGE: Jim Mitchell Discusses How The Current Impact Roster & Management Compares To His Previous Runs, Being Able To Do Comedy, More