Figure Friday: NYCC Exclusive WWE Zack Ryder Funko POP! (Photos)

Hey guys! Welcome to Figure Friday! This week we take a look at the brand new New York Comic Con Exclusive WWE Zack Ryder Funko POP! This POP! was only available at NYCC last week; however, it is also available at FYE stores if you’re able to get your hands on one! Don’t worry if your store doesn’t have one though as you can get one on the FYE website here, too!

Woo Woo Woo…You Know It! ———————————————————- Check out my in-depth review on’s #FigureFriday this Friday featuring the NYCC Exclusive WWE Zack Ryder Funko POP! figure now available on @officialfye’s website! ———————————————————- Save 10% on with code MBG at checkout! ———————————————————- Save 15% on with code MBG1211 at checkout! ———————————————————- #wwe #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwenetwork #wweuniverse #wwemattel #ZackRyder #Funko #WrestleZone #wrestling #WrestlingFigures #wrestlingfigurephotography #ccw #crashcollisionwrestling #raw #smackdown #actionfigures #ringsidecollectibles #mbg1211 #mbgfilms #matthewgoldberg #wfp #toyphotography #toystagram #ToyCrewBuddies #figlife #ArticulatedComicBookArt

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Looking at Zack in the box he comes in the typical POP! packaging although this one has the Fall 2017 Convention Exclusive sticker. For those unfamiliar with POPs, there are a ton of different exclusives, all identified by these stickers. Some can be chase, meaning very limited, or some can be convention exclusives or other retail/online retailer exclusives, etc. Zack was thankfully shared with FYE stores for those who couldn’t attend the event much like myself. He even signed some at NYCC at the Funko booth, which is pretty sweet!

On the back of the box you can see they show Bayley (only available at Toys R Us), Ted Dibiase, Chris Jericho, Sasha Banks and Iron Sheik. These, minus Bayley, are available at any POP! retailer as that’s the latest set of WWE POPs currently available.

Moving on to Zack out of the packaging I’d say it’s a pretty nice POP. The WWE POPs have been much more detailed lately, which you can clearly see in his attire here. The little logo designs on his knee pads and arm bands are awesome, especially for the scale of this figure. Not to mention the larger logos on his tights, boots, knee pads and arm bands. The detail on this POP is very impressive and is probably one of my favorite POPs as of late because of it. There’s also a Funko Shop version in green/silver that is limited to 500 pieces. It goes on sale on October 17th at the Funko HQ. If you’re interested in that one you’d have to check eBay as he probably won’t go for cheap. His likeness looks a lot like him, too, which I think is pretty cool how Funko manages to capture their likeness even though their faces are pretty generic looking.

Overall, it’s a neat POP. I’m not sure if we’ll ever see Zack mass released in a regular wave of WWE POPs so don’t drag your feet on picking him up, especially if you’re a WWE POP! completionist like I know many collectors are. Remember you can get him at your local FYE store and if you don’t have one, be sure to pick him up on their website here while he’s still in stock.

Thanks for checking out this week’s Figure Friday! There won’t be a new Figure 2 Photo this week but you can expect a new episode next week! In the meantime if you’d like to keep up with the latest wrestling figure news be sure to follow my popular Wrestling Figure News Twitter if you’re on there! Also, if you’d like to keep up with myself and my latest wrestling figure projects such as my photography be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube!

Thanks and I’ll see you next week!