GFW Impact Results (9/14) New Number One Contender Crowned, Bobby Lashley Makes his Choice!

GFW Grand Championship Match: EC3 (c) vs El Hijo de Fantasma

Round One:

Fantasma and EC3 lock up. Fantasma forces EC3 into the corner. Clean break by Fantasma. After another lockup EC3 locks in a side headlock. EC3 floors Fantasma with a shoulder block. Hip toss by Fantasma into an armbar. Headbutt by EC3 for a near fall. EC3 locks in a front chancery. Irish whip by Fantasma. EC3 TK3s Fantasma to the outside. After the bell rings to end round one, EC3 bangs Fantasma head into the apron.

Winner of Round One: EC3

Round Two:

Suplex by EC3. Fantasma kicks out. Hurricanrana by Fantasma. EC3 gets to his feet but he is staggered. Running knee by Fantasma. Fantasma goes up top and lands a huge frog splash. EC3 kicks out! Jawbreaker by EC3. Ec3 sets up the One Percenter but Fantasma counters and sends EC3 face first to the mat. Fantasma locks in a modified surfboard as the bell rings.

Winner of Round Two: Fantasma

Round Three:

EC3 rolls up Fantasma and instead of waiting for the count, EC3 double powerbombs Fantasma. Fantasma kicks out. Crossbody by Fantasma for a near fall. Fantasma and EC3 trade strikes in the middle of the ring. EC3 tries a right hand but Fantasma takes EC3 down and locks in an armbar. EC3 escapes. EC3 hits the TK3. Fantasma kicks out. Fantasma sends EC3 to the outside. Suicide dive by Fantasma. EC3 hits his head on the barricade in the process. EC3 catches Fantasma with the One Percenter as Fantasma is entering the ring. EC3 crawls to make the cover as the bell rings.

Winner of Round Three and STILL Impact Grand Champion, EC3!

After the match, Fantasma gets in judge Hector Gurrero’s face. Fantasma gets back in the ring. Pagano hits the ring and they attack Ec3. Eddie Edwards runs tot he ring and makes the save.