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Why Jinder Mahal Lost Clean On Smackdown Live, When Does Carmella Cash-In MITB?

jinder mahal
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This second of three Chair Shot Reality videos covers several topics on SmackDown Live. It starts with Josh Isenberg on Jinder Mahal losing to Randy Orton:

Josh Isenberg: Here’s my problem, The Maharajah has not won clean. I know he’s a heel and not supposed to win clean. But The Maharaja himself has not ended SmackDown on high note in quite some time. He’s facing Shinsuke Nakamura at SummerSlam and that’s the feud that needs the most build to in the next two weeks than any other on SummerSlam. John Cena vs Baron Corbin speaks for itself with Franchise versus the future. This makes Jinder Mahal feel like a transitional champ and he’s in unbelievable shape. Transformed his entire game since coming back to WWE and that’s a reason he’s champ. He can’t get an upper hand on a 13, 14, I’ve lost track of how many times Randy Orton has been champ. Problem with Jinder’s build to SummerSlam is there’s without a doubt Nakamura doesn’t come away without the title. I want Shinsuke to feel like the underdog. Since his debut in NXT in any match, Roode, his debut in NXT, you knew he was going to win and he was going to be the guy who is going to leave the building victorious. You want to see Jinder become the most powerful champ possible. He’s not facing Cena. It boggles my mind two weeks before SummerSlam with no help from the Singh Brothers, Khali, no help and Jinder Mahal looks like the jabroni. That’s a problem for me and for SmackDown’s creative writing.

Justin LaBar and Juice Springsteen then chime in on Jinder losing. Followed by Lana/Tamina storyline and ending the video on when Carmella will cash in Money in the Bank. See it all in the video below: