Impact Wrestling Results (7/6): El Patron Defends Against Lashley, LAX Welcomes a New Member!

Backstage, Bruce Prichard tells Jeremy Borash and Josh Matthews if they are done after Slammiversay. If they get into it at all Prichard is going to fire the both of them… And the Pope! Pope asks what he did? He is just the man in the middle.

Caleb Konley vs Sonjay Dutt

Dutt catches Konley with a hurricanrana. Dutt hits the ropes but Konley hits Dutt with a rolling palm strike. Konley stomps on Dutt before locking in a seated neck vice. Dutt tries to kick Konley in the gut but Konley catches Dutt’s foot. Konley sweeps Dutt’s legs. Konley attempts a running knee strike but Dutt counters. Konley manages to floor Dutt with a clothesline. Spinning back fist by Konley. Konley sunset flip bombs Dutt into the turnbuckle. Dutt kicks Konley in the face then hits a tornado DDT. Dutt hits a frog splash for the win!

Winner- Sonjay Dutt

After the match, Trevor Lee hits the ring and attacks Dutt. Lee grabs a mic and says just like that, the new X-Division Champion, Trevor Lee.

Backstage, Grado, The Veterans of War and Eddie Edwards. They say stuff… about being American… and stuff. Sigh… Before we cut to the next match, there is a rather large man doing squats… for some reason.