WWE RAW Results (3/20): The Fate of Mick Foley Revealed, The Undertaker Appears, and Much More!

After a short break, Joe is working a surfboard stretch. Zayn front flips out of it. Joe hits his running back elbow/ enziguri combo. Zayn is almost counted out. Joe hits the ropes, but Zayn explodes with a stiff clothesline. Top rope cross body by Zayn for a near fall. Zayn sends Joe into the ring post. Zayn hits his dive through spinning DDT on the floor. Zayn rolls back into the ring. Joe follows. Zayn sets up the Helluva kick, but Joe reverses it into a uranage suplex. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch for the win.

Winner- Samoa Joe

Backstage, Foley tells Zayn that he appreciated what he just did. It was stupid, but he appreciates it. Foley tells Zayn that it is not up to him to stand up for everyone on the roster. Foley starts to walk through the backstage area. Foley runs into Cesaro and Sheamus. They both thank Foley and hug him. Foley keeps walking. He runs into a few Cruiserweights. Bayley is next. Foley and Bayley hug. Foley turns around and Triple H was standing there. Triple H gets in Foley’s face and tells him to have a nice day.

Seth Rollins doctor Kevin Wilk gives us an update on Rollins condition. Rollins reinjured his knee. The only thing that saved Rollins from a catastrophic knee injury was his knee brace. Rollins will not be ready for WrestleMania. No doctor in America would clear Rollins. The fear is that is Rollins does show up at WrestleMania, he will be right back in their office the next day.