Results of the Second Set of TNA Impact Wrestling TV Tapings From 1/8 *Spoilers*

impact wrestling

Thanks to WZ reader Edward Ritlop for sending in the following results from the second set of TNA Impact Wrestling TV tapings from 1/8:

1. XPlosion match: “Skywalker” Andrew Everett-out by himself vs Davey Richards-also solo. Surprisingly, there was a handshake between the two before Andrew attacked from behind to start the match. Davey wins with the Ankle Lock.

JB announced that this episode of Impact would be the Genesis theme & will air Jan. 26th.

The new Grand Champion Drew is out & receives a loud “Galloway” chant. He talks about his bask injury & missing 10 weeks & says he’s a changed man & everything he does is for the greater good of Impact Wrestling & challenges anyone in the back & out comes Moose & his earrings. Moose says he’s coming for his rematch for HIS Grand Championship.

2. Moose VS Drew for the Impact Grand Championship. I’ve noticed the last 2 times the attractive female judge isn’t there, she’s been replaced by some random 30-40 something guy. This time they have the clock on the big screen from the start. Moose dominates round 1, including a powerbomb outside on the edge of the ring apron & is awarded the first round. Drew teases leaving at the start of the second round, but eventually returns. Moose goes for his finisher but is “accidentally” kicked low by Drew who tried to get his foot up to block Moose. Drew “accidentally” pushes referee Stifler, hits a low blow & nails the Future Shock DDT for the win. Crowd was split between the two..

The Hardys will defend the tag titles next. Rebecca & King Maxel are out as she plays their theme on her piano. Jeff has the green briefcase; Matt’s voice sounds a bit hoarse. Jeff says he’s number #1 & it might be time for Jeff Hardy to become World Champ again. Matt says he a PRE-MONITION & the  Hardys must acquire as much gold-EVERYWHERE. Great, the DCC’s music hits & all three are out. Kingston has the yellow briefcase with him. Storm says next week is apparently OPEN FIGHT NIGHT & they want to challenge for the tag titles. Decay-all three-are out. Crazy Steve proposes a three way for the titles & Broken Matt agrees.