Lucha Underground Results (12/14) – The Bulls Tournament Continues, Drago vs Kobra Moon

Mariposa repeatedly throws chairs at Killshot, Crane and Fox. Killshot SuperKicks Fox. Crane with a running boot to Killshot. Crane punts Mariposa in the corner. Fox plants Killshot with a Springboard Codebreaker. Fox kicks Mariposa and Crane out of the ring. Fox wedges a chair in the corner. Killshot side steps Fox face first into the steel chair. Killshot with a Rebound Hurricanrana for a two count. Crane goes for a half suplex, but Killshot blocks it.

Crane plants Killshot with a Death Valley Driver. Crane with a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Crane gets Killshot in the Stretch Muffler. Mariposa breaks up the submission attempt, but she proceeds to get trapped in the Stretch Muffler. Mariposa reverses with a rollup for a two count. Killshot with a running leg lariat to Crane in the corner. Killshot with a thrust kick to the gut of Mariposa.

Mariposa connects with the Stunner. Mariposa connects with the Butter Fly Effect on the steel chair for a two count. Mariposa with a chop/forearm combination to Fox. Crane with a Bicycle Kick to Mariposa. Fox with a neck breaker to Crane. Fox connects with the Springboard Seated C4 for a two count. Fox goes for the 450 Splash, but Crane counters with a boot to the face. Crane plants Fox with the Piledriver to pickup the victory. After the match, Killshot attacks Fox.

Winner: Jeremiah Crane