WZ Radio One Year Party: MLW’s Marty & Sarah Love Wrestling Talk To Frank The Clown About Being “The Villain” On Holy Foley (Video/Audio)

This past Wednesday night WrestleZone Radio’s One Year Anniversary Party & Stage Show took place at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Chicago as part of Podcast Movement.

The video above features MLW’s Marty & Sarah Love Wrestling (Marty DeRosa & Sarah Shockey) interviewing upcoming WWE Network Holy Foley star Frank “The Clown” Mustari.

You can find some of Frank’s comments about being a part of Holy Foley as well as the full audio from the interview below.

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On how Frank thinks he may be perceived on Holy Foley:

FM: Every reality television show needs some sort of villain. I’m not saying I’m the villain. I’m not running around the show acting like a total asshole. Despite what people may think. It’s a show for casual wrestling fans. Children. Women. Everyday regular people are going to enjoy it.

They finish their panel discussion about Frank’s time filming the show with a special edition of F-M-K.

Feel free to scroll through some pictures from the event as well in the photo slide show below: