WWE RAW Results (6/20): Charlotte Defends the Women’s Title, New Number One Contenders for the WWE Title Named, Big Returns, More!

Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens

As soon as the match starts Owens and Zayn brawl. Owens runs to the outside and Zayn follows. Zayn gets whipped into the barricade, but he jumps to the top and moonsaults onto Owens. Owens kicks Zayn in the gut. Owens climbs over the barricade and tries to leave. Zayn follows him and tosses him back towards the ring. Owens surprise Zayn with a running senton. Owens hits a super kick. Owens calls for a package piledriver, but Zayn turns it into a half nelson suplex. Owens calls for the pop-up powerbomb, but Zayn reverses it into a roll-up for the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

After the match, Owens attacks Zayn.

After the break, Zayn and Owens are fighting backstage and are separated by officials.

It’s officially announced the Draft will happen on July 19th on Smackdown.

Johnny Ace comes out and says he wants to be in charge of Smackdown. Shane walks out and asks him why he is here. Shane says no way. Shane says he is going to run Smackdown. Johnny Ace says that’s fine because he can run Raw instead!