impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/15) – New Champion Crowned, Maria’s TNA In-Ring Debut, Jeff Hardy Returns

Second Match: Mike Bennett & Maria Kanellis vs. Drew Galloway & Gail Kim 

Maria immediately tags in Bennett before she and Gail lock horns. Galloway with a boot to the chest of Bennett. Galloway with a over head belly to belly suplex. Galloway tags in Gail. Galloway with a running forearm. Gail with a flying forearm. Gail with a series of right hands to Bennett. Gail goes after Maria, but Maria lowers the ropes which forces Gail to head to the outside. Maria with boots to the chest of Gail. Maria tags in Bennett. Galloway with a right hand to Bennett. Galloway chops Bennett in the chest.

Bennett with a corner clothesline. Bennett drops Galloway with a running dropkick for a one count. Bennett stomps on Galloway’s chest in the corner. Galloway regains momentum with a clothesline. Galloway with a series of right hands to Bennett in the corner. Galloway connects with another over the head belly to belly suplex. Maria slaps Galloway in the face. Galloway lands some rapid fire chops to Bennett’s chest. Bennett knocks Galloway off the top rope. Bennett tags in Maria. Maria holds onto Galloway’s ankle. Galloway tags in Gail. Gail with a running dropkick that sends Bennett to the outside. Gail with the Eat Defeat to Bennett. Galloway comes into the ring and drops Bennett with the Claymore. Maria with the school girl to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Mike Bennett & Maria Kanellis